How can I do well in this class?
Read the appropriate sections of the textbook before lecture (or at latest before the following lecture). Attend lecture and engage in the activities. Ask yourself what is clear and what is muddy after each lecture. Clarify the muddy points with me, your TA or your classmates. Always attempt the homework on your own before seeking help from others. Write your own summaries of chapters as we cover them. Do extra problems at the end of each chapter. Form a study group.
I need a (insert grade here) to (maintain my visa status) (maintain my fellowship/funding) (satisfy program requirements). How can I ensure I get it?
I cannot make special accommodations for you. Read the suggestions for doing well above.
Can you tell me if I have the right answer for this homework problem?
No, that’s for you to decide. I’m happy to answer questions about the ideas behind a homework question or the mechanics of doing an analysis, but I won’t check your work before you hand it in
May I submit my homework assignment electronically?
In general, no. If you have a reasonable reason for being unable to attend your lab session you may make arrangements with me at least a week in advance to submit your homework via email to me. Reasonable reasons include: research and conference travel, essential family events and illness. The homework must be submitted as a pdf and be sent prior to your usual lab section in which it is due.
Can I get an incomplete?
The Department of Statistics requires a student requesting a grade of Incomplete in a Statistics class to state the part of the class that is incomplete, a time frame for its completion, and a reason for the incompletion. Details of the process are described on the incomplete request form available at